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2019年2月27日 星期三

[英文學習] 2019.02.27 Dialy English - Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy

[英文學習] 2019.02.27 Dialy English - Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy

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If initial stage has gastric ministry to ache continuously , answer to make gastroscope inspection to the hospital


If your colonoscopy reveals a polyp , your doctor will remove it immediately


Phrases and Vocabulary

Vocabulary 單字

  • gastric IPA [ˈɡæstrɪk] KK [ˋgæstrɪk]
  • adj.胃的;胃部的;
  • ministry IPA [ˈmɪnɪstri] KK [ˋmɪnɪstrɪ]
  • n.(政府的)部
  • ache IPA [ek]
  • vi.疼痛;

  • gastroscope
  • n.胃鏡

  • colonoscopy IPA [ˌkoʊlənə'skɒpɪ] KK [͵kolənəˋskɑpɪ]
  • n.結腸鏡檢查(術);
  • reveal IPA [rɪˈvil] KK [rɪˋvil]
  • vt.顯露;揭露;泄露;[神]啟示;
  • polyp IPA [ˈpɑlɪp] KK [ˋpɑlɪp]
  • n.息肉;
  • dissertation IPA [ˌdɪsɚˈteʃən] KK [͵dɪsɚˋteʃən]
  • n.專題論文,學位論文;學術演講
  • surplus IPA [ˈsɚpləs, -ˌplʌs] KK [ˋsɝpləs]
  • adj.過剩的;多餘的;
  • argue IPA [ˈɑ:rgju:] KK [ˋɑrgjʊ]
  • vi.爭論,辯論
  • bruit KK [bruːt]
  • n.傳聞
  • term IPA [tɚm] KK [tɝm]
  • n.學期;條款;術語;期限;

    Phrases 片語

  • gastroscope inspection 胃鏡檢查
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