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2019年2月10日 星期日

[Diary][spiritual][英文學習] 20190210 diary

An resident just asked me if I graduated from NTUT.
An resident just asked me did you graduated from NTUT.

我回答她 是的
I answered her, yes.

她問我怎麼會來做這工作, 是想來混時間的嗎?
She asked me why would I want do this work, is wanted to waste your life?
She asked me why did you want to do this job(or why did you chioice this as your job), are you just dying to past your days?

我真的不知道該怎麼回答她什麼, 我只好說我的眼睛生病了。
I really have no idea how to answer her anything indeed, I had no choice but to utter my eyes are sick.



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